

Smart snack swaps

Smart snack swaps

Traditional TV treats can send your intake of added sugars, salt and saturated fats soaring.

Dig in to these easy alternatives:

snack swaps - milk chocolate
1. Save kilojoules by swapping dairy milk chocolate for dark chocolate coated chickpeas.
2. Reduce your sugar intake by ditching the jelly beans, store bought biscuits and sweet popcorn for fresh strawberries, wholegrain toast with cinnamon and honey and lightly salted popcorn.
3. Boost your fibre intake by swapping store bought potato chips/crisps for homemade kale chips.
Cracker-and-cheese snack swaps
4. Increase your protein intake by swapping cheese flavoured crackers for plain baked crackers with a slice of cheese.

Date modified: 27 September 2022
First published: Aug 2022


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