Sweet and juicy mango is simply divine and here are five fantastic reasons to make the most of this tropical fruit, both for pleasure and health benefits.
1. Immune boost
One mango contains almost twice your daily requirements of vitamin C to help support a healthy immune system.
2. Healthy pregnancy
Mangoes contain folate, an essential nutrient for mums-to-be because it protects against neural tube defects in utero.
3. Fit and alert
Potassium is important for keeping your muscles moving and your nerves firing, and mangoes are a good source of it.
4. Source of fibre
You’ll get more than 10 per cent of your daily needs of gut-loving fibre from one mango.
5. Eye health
The bright orange colour of mangoes reflects the presence of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that supports good eye health.
Try these delicious and healthy mango recipes
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