If you exercise most days, a diet with adequate calcium is very important for your overall health.
Calcium is vital to keep bones and teeth healthy. A diet with adequate calcium intake includes milk, low-fat yoghurt, small amounts of cheese, tinned bony fish such as salmon and sardines, pulses, almonds and green leafy vegetables.
Requirements for females:
14–18 years: 1300mg
19–50 years: 1000mg
51 years and over: 1300mg
Requirements for males:
14–18 years: 1300mg
19–70 years: 1000mg
71 years and over: 1300mg
Good sources of calcium:
1 cup Trim milk = 375mg
1 cup Calci Trim or Xtra milk = 500mg
150g pottle unsweetened yoghurt = 180mg
40g Edam cheese = 308mg
1/4 cup cottage cheese = 37mg
1 can sardines (100g) = 550mg
1 can baked beans (425g) = 51mg
10 almonds = 30mg
1 cup cooked broccoli = 59mg