Eating seasonally is usually cheaper, as in-season fruit and veges are abundant so usually cost less. Think of the price of avocados at the height of their season compared to the middle of winter when they’re imported.
It’s likely seasonal eating is also healthier, as well-stored and transported in-season produce will be fresher and retain more of its nutrients than produce that has been transported long distances from overseas after being harvested.
Also, eating with the seasons guarantees you’ll have a varied diet throughout the year, making your meals more interesting and probably more appetising and appropriate for the weather. Who wants to eat watermelon in winter, or hot pumpkin soup when it’s sweltering outside?
Here at Healthy Food Guide we’d love to see ‘in season’ signs and stickers on produce in supermarkets and fruit shops, so we can all get more in touch with seasonal eating.
In the meantime, here’s a chart you can print out and put up on your pantry door, showing what’s in season each month.