It happens to us all, especially if we spend a lot of time in the car: we get so busy running around we don’t have time to eat well (or at all).
Here’s how – with a little preparation – you can find the makings of a great lunch when you’re on the road.
Step 1
Dashboard dining kit
Set up your glove box with these items:
- Medium-sized plastic container with sealable lid
- Paper napkins and/or wet wipes
- Fork, knife and spoon (or a fork and spoon combo known as a spork)
- Hand sanitiser such as Purell or Dettol
Glove box standbys
Keep an emergency stash of healthy snacks in the car to keep the wolves from the door until you can find a healthy meal. Include:
- Muesli or nut bars
- Pottles of fruit salad
- Small bags of nuts or mixed seeds
- Frooze balls (one or two in a snap-lock bag)
- Small bags of pretzels or popcorn
Step 2
Stop the car at the supermarket, dairy or petrol station and pick up these items to make a tasty and healthy lunch you can eat on the go:
Option 1: Supermarket
- Pouch of ready-to-eat flavoured tuna
- Good handful of salad leaves
- Small tub of bean or potato salad from deli
- Piece of fruit and a bottle of water
Combine all except the fruit in your container and enjoy.
Option 2: Dairy
- Chunky muesli bar (like One Square Meal)
- Apple or banana, or pottle of fruit in juice
- Pot of yoghurt
- Bottle of water
Break the muesli bar into chunks and combine with the fruit and yoghurt in your container. Mix and enjoy.
Option 3: Petrol station
- Ready-made meat and salad roll
- Tub of fruit salad
- Trim flat white
- Bottle of water