Day 3 of a planned 5 days of ‘no solid food’ fasting
Still not able to run this week so weight loss is slow…
😎 Life is Good! Have a great day everyone!
79.8 kg
Lost so far: 14.1 kg.
Still to go: 5.4 kg.
Diet followed: Reasonably Well.
1195 kcal
Fat: 83.50g | Prot: 77.00g | Carbs: 23.00g.
Breakfast: Slim-Fast Keto Shake, Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. Dinner: Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream, Slim-Fast Keto Shake, Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. Snacks/Other: Marukome Miso Soup Freeze Dried Tofu, Slim-Fast Keto Shake, Quest Vanilla Milkshake Protein Powder, Land O'Lakes Heavy Whipping Cream. more...
2121 kcal
Walking (exercise) - 5.5/kph - 45 minutes, Resting - 15 hours and 15 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours. more...
Losing 3.2 kg a Week
You’re right about life being good—you have a wonderful day, too! 😊🎈
21 Aug 19 by member: laraae
21 Aug 19 by member: adefwebserver
21 Aug 19 by member: madfoxmade
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adefwebserver's Weight History